Albiniam Database, University of Minnesota

Mutations of the Chediak-Higashi Syndrome gene

Associated with CHS

Mutations of the Chediak-Higashi Syndrome gene associated with CHS.

Go to this link for a map of mutations of the Chediak-Higashi Syndrome gene associated with CHS.

The Albinism Database is part of the International Albinism Center at the University of Minnesota.

Chediak-Higashi Syndrome mutations associated with CHS

Nucleotide Change*
Effect on coding Sequence
118insG Insertion of G at 118 Frameshift - ? .0003 Barbosa et al., 1996
Barbosa et al., 1997
R50X C -> T at 148 Arg - Stop at 50 - ? .0006 Barbosa et al., 1997
1467delG Deletion of G at 1467 Frameshift - Caucasian .0001 Nagle et al., 1996
1902insA Insertion of A after 1902 Frameshift - Kuwaiti Bedouin .0004 Karim et al., 1997
2623delT Deletion of T at 2623 Frameshift .0008 Dufourcq-Lagelouse et al., 1999
Certain et al., 2000
3073delAA Deletion of AA at 3073 Frameshift - ? Barbosa et al., 1997
Q1029X C -> T at 3085 Gln - Stop at 1029 - ? .0007 Barbosa et al., 1997
R1104X C -> T at 3310 Arg - Stop at 1104 - Caucasian .0002 Nagle et al., 1996
Certain et al., 2000
5317delA Deletion of A at 5317 Frameshift Certain et al., 2000
7060del7bp Deletion of 7bp from 7060-7066 Frameshift Certain et al., 2000
7555delT Deletion of T at 7555 Frameshift Certain et al., 2000
9106del56bp Deletion of 56bp from 9106 to 9161 Frameshift Certain et al., 2000
9228ins10bp Insertion of 10bp at 9228 Frameshift Certain et al., 2000
9590delA Deletion of A at 9590 Frameshift - Turkish .0005 Karim et al., 1997
Certain et al., 2000
Reduced mRNA ? Reduced 13.5 kb mRNA - ? Barbosa et al., 1997

Nucleotide 1 begins at the first nucleotide of codon 1


Barbosa, M. D. F. S., Nguyen, Q. A., Tchernev, V. T., Ashley, J. A., Detter, J. C., Blaydes, S. M., Brandt, S. J., Chotai, D., Hodgman, C., Solari, R. C. E., Lovett, M., Kingsmore, S. F. Identification of the homologous beige and Chediak-Higashi syndrome genes. Nature 382:262-265, 1996. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Barbosa, M. D. F. S., Barrat, F. J., Tchernev, V. T., Nguyen, Q. A., Mishra, V. S., Colman, S. D., Pastural, E., Dufourcq-Lagelouse, R., Fischer, A., Holcombe, R. F., Wallace, M. R., Brandt, S. F., de Saint Basile, G., Kingsmore, S. F. Identification of mutations in two major mRNA isoforms of the Chediak-Higashi syndrome gene in human and mouse. Human Molecular Genetics 6:1091-1098, 1997. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Certain, S., Barrat, F., Pastural, E., LeDeist, F., Goyo-Rivas, J., Jabado, N., Benkerrou, M., Seger, R., Vilmer, E., Beullier, G., Schwarz, K., Fisher, A., de Saint Basile, G. Protein truncation test of LYST reveals heterogenous mutaitons in patients with Chediak-Higashi syndrome. Blood 95:979-983, 2000. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Dufourcq-Lagelouse, R., LAmbert, N., Ducal, M., Viot, G., Vilmer, E., Fischer, A., Prieur, M., de Saint Basile, G. Chediak-Higashi syndrome associated with maternal uniparental isodisomy of chromosome 1. European Journal of Human Genetics 7:633-637, 1999. [Link to artiticle (PubMed)]

Karim, M. A., Nagle, D. L., Kandil, H. H., Burger, J., Moore, K. J., Spritz, R. A. Mutations in the Chediak-Higashi syndrome gene (CHS1) indicate requirement for the complete 3801 amino acid CHS protein. Human Molecular Genetics 6:1087-1089,1997. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Nagle, D. L., Karim, M. A., Woolf, E. A., Holmgren, L., Bork, P., Misumi, D. J., McGrail, S. H., Dussault, B. J., Perou, C. M., Boissy, R. E., Duyk, G. M., Spritz, R. A., Moore, K. J. Identification and mutation analysis of the complete gene for Chediak-Higashi syndrome. nature genetics 14:307-311, 1996. [Link to article (PubMed)]

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Last changed October 29, 2001.