Albiniam Database, University of Minnesota

Mutations of the Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome-1 gene (HPS1)

Associated with Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome

Mutations of the Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome gene associated with HPS1.

Polymorphisms of the Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome (HPS1) gene.

Go to this link for a map of mutations of the Hermansky Pudlak Syndrome gene associated with HPS1.

The Albinism Database is part of the International Albinism Center at the University of Minnesota.

Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome gene mutations associated with HPS1

Nucleotide Change*
Effect on coding Sequence
163delATC c.163-165delATC p.del55Ile EX4 Afghan Oh et al., 1998
288delT c.288delT Frameshift EX5 Japanese Spritz and Oh, 1999
Ito et al., 2005
R131X c.391C>T p.Arg131Ter EX5 Spanish Rivera et al., 2001
W583X Unknown p.Trp583Ter EX5 Japanese Ito et al., 2005
E133X c.397G>T p.Glu133Ter EX5 Italian/German/Ukrainian Shotelersuk et al., 1998
IVS5+5G -> A IVS5+5G -> A Splice mutation IVS5 Japanese Oh et al., 1998
Ito et al., 2005
532insC c.532insC Frameshift Japanese Ito et al., 2005
962insG c.962insG Frameshift EX11 Japanese Horikawa et al., 2000
964delG Deletion of G at 964 Frameshift EX11 Ukrainian Oh et al., 1998
974delC Deletion of C at 974 Frameshift EX11 Caucasian Oh et al., 1998
974insC Insertion of C after 974 Frameshift EX11 Swiss/Irish Oh et al., 1996
Ito et al., 2005
1189delC Deletion of C at 1189 Frameshift EX13 Caucasian Oh et al., 1998
1323insA Insertion of A after 1323 Frameshift EX13 Japanese Oh et al., 1996
Ito et al., 2005
1488ins16 Duplication of 16 bp after 1488 Frameshift EX15 North-West Puerto Rico Oh et al., 1996
IVS17-2A ->C IVS17-2A ->C Splice mutation IVS17 Caucasian Oetting and King, 1998
1691delA c.1691delA frameshift Japanese Ito et al., 2005
E666X G -> T at 1996 Glu - Stop at 666 EX20 Caucasian Oh et al., 1998
L668P Unknown p.L668P Japanese Ito et al., 2005

Nucleotide 1 begins at the first nucleotide of codon 1

Polymorphisms of the Hermansky Pudlak Syndrome (HPS1) Gene

Nucleotide Change*
Effect on coding Sequence
-151C/A 156C/A 5' UTR change 2 Caucasian / Asian Bailin et al., 1997
297C/T C or T at 297 No change Thr99 5 Caucasian / Asian Bailin et al., 1997
635C/T C or T at 635 No change Leu212 7 Caucasian Unpublished
IVS8+29C/A IVS8+29C/A None IVS8 Caucasian Unpublished
G/W283 G or T at 847 Gly or Trp at 283 9 Caucasian Oh et al., 1996
IVS11+13T/C IVS11+13T/C None IVS11 Asian Bailin et al., 1997
IVS14+7GG/CT IVS14+7GG/CT None IVS14 Caucasian / Asian Bailin et al., 1997
P/R491 C or T at 1472 Pro or Arg at 491 15 Caucasian / Asian Oh et al., 1996
IVS16-15A/G IVS16-15A/G None IVS16 Caucasian / Asian Bailin et al., 1997
1698G/A G or A at 1698 No change Ser566 17 Portugese Bailin et al., 1997
R/Q603 Gor A at 1808 Arg or Gln at 603 18 Caucasian / Asian Bailin et al., 1997
V/I630 G or A at 1888 Val or Ile at 630 19 Swiss Oh et al., 1996
IVS19+9A/G IVS19+9A/G None IVS19 Asian Bailin et al., 1997
1018C/T 1018C/T change in 3'UTR of short transcript 10 Caucasian Wildenberg et al, 1998
1107C/T 1107C/T change in 3'UTR of short transcript 10 Puerto Rican Wildenberg et al, 1998
2375C/T 2375C/T 3' UTR change 20 Caucasian / Asian Bailin et al., 1997
2427T/C 2427T/C 3' UTR change 20 Caucasian / Asian Bailin et al., 1997
2555G/A 2555G/A 3' UTR change 20 Caucasian / Asian Bailin et al., 1997
2576G/A 2576G/A 3' UTR change 20 Caucasian Wildenberg et al., 1998
2797C/T 2797C/T 3' UTR change 20 Caucasian / Puerto Rican Wildenberg et al., 1998
2863G/C 2863G/C 3' UTR change 20 Caucasian / Asian Bailin et al., 1997
1097C/T 1328C/T Change in 3'UTR of short transcript (Alteration segregates with HPS) 10 Puerto Rican Wildenberg et al, 1998

Nucleotide 1 begins at the first nucleotide of codon 1


Bailin, T., Oh, J., Feng, G. H., Fukai, K., Spritz, R. A. Organization and nucleotide sequence of the Hermansky-Pudlak (HPS) gene. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 108:923-927, 1997. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Horikawa, T., Araki, K., Fukai, K., Ueda, M., Ueda, T., Ito, S., Ichihashi, M. Heterozygous HPS1 mutations in a case of Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome with giant melanosomes. British Journal of Dermatology 143:635-640, 2000. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Ito S, Suzuki T, Inagaki K, Suzuki N, Takamori K, Yamada T, Nakazawa M, Hatano M, Takiwaki H, Kakuta Y, Spritz RA, Tomita Y. High frequency of Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome type 1 (HPS1) among Japanese albinism patients and functional analysis of HPS1 mutant protein. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 125:715-20, 2005. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Oetting, W. S., King, R.A. Molecular basis of albinism: Mutations and polymorphisms of pigmentation genes associated with albinism. Human Mutation 13:99-115, 1998. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Oh, J., Bailin, T., Fukai, K., Feng, G. H., Ho, L., Mao, J-I., Frenk, E., Tamura, N., Spritz, R. A. Positional cloning of a gene for Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome, a disorder of cytoplasmic organelles. Nature Genetics 14:300-306. 1996. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Oh, J., Ho, L., Ala-Mello, S., Amato, D., Armstrong, L., Bellucci, S., Carakushansky, G., Ellis, J. P., Fong, C-T., Green, J. S., Heon, E., Legius, E., Levin, A. V., Nieuwenhuis, H. K., Pinckers, A., Tamura, N., Whiteford, M. L., Yamasaki, H., Spritz, R. A. Mutation analysis of patients with Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome: A frameshift hot spot in the HPS gene and apparent locus heterogeneity. American Journal of Human Genetics 62: 593-598, 1998. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Rivera, J., Corrall, J., Gonzalez-Conejero, R., Zuaza-Jausoro, I., Pujol-Miox, N., Escolar, G., Vicente, V. Molecular characterization of new genetic defects in the HPS-1 gene. Relationship with the clinical expression of the Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Suppl. 2001 Paris.

Shotelersuk, V., Hazelwood, S., Larson, D., Iwata, F., Kaiser-Kupfer, M. I., Kuehl, E., Bernardini, I., Gahl, W. A. Three new mutations in a gene causing Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome: clinical correlations. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 64:99-107, 1998. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Spritz R. A., Oh, J. HPS gene mutations in Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome. American Journal of Human Genetics 64:658-659, 1999. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Unpublished data. King, R.A., Wildenberg, S. C., Oetting W.S.

Wildenberg, S. C., Fryer J. P., Gardner J. M., Oetting W. S., Brilliant M. H., King R. A. Identification of a novel transcript produced by the gene responsible for the Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome in Puerto Rico. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 110:777-781, 1998. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Wildenberg, S. C., Fryer, J. P., Oetting, W. S., King, R. A. Three novel polymorphisms in the gene responsible for the Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome. Human Mutation Mutation and Polymophism Report #37, 1998. [Online Publication]

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Last changed September 21, 2009.