Oral communication, CS17 / C80

Official XXIst International Pigment Cell Conference website - 21-24 Sept 2011, Bordeaux - France | updated: September 04 2011

Senescent cells develop a secretome

SPEAKER C. Bertolotto #whois submiter ?
AUTHOR(s) M. Ohanna, R. Ballotti, C. Bertolotto

Melanoma cells can enter the process of senescence but whether they express a secretory phenotype, as reported for other cells, is undetermined. This is of paramount importance, because this secretome can alter the tumor microenvironment and the response to chemotherapeutic drugs. More generally, the molecular events involved in formation of the senescence-associated secretome have yet to be determined. We reveal here that melanoma cells experiencing senescence, in response to diverse stimuli produce a secretory profile endowed with pro-tumoral and pro-metastatic properties. We further provide a molecular relationship between senescence induction and secretome formation by deciphering some of the molecular mechanisms which drive formation of the secretome. Our findings also point out to the existence of such regulatory pathway in non-melanoma cells. Most importantly, inhibition of the signaling cascade involved in secretome formation prevents the pro-invasive properties of the secretome. Collectively, the results gathered in this report opens new avenues for therapeutic intervention against cancers.

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