Poster presentation, P98

Official XXIst International Pigment Cell Conference website - 21-24 Sept 2011, Bordeaux - France | updated: September 04 2011

Idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation in a 9 years old girl

SPEAKER A. Salhi #whois submiter ?
AUTHOR(s) A. Salhi, F. Siebenhaar, M. Maurer, A. Taïeb

Idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation is a distinct clinicopathologic and histologic entity first described by Sakae in 1941. It is caracterised by asymptomatic pigmented macules of trunk limbs and neck appearing spontaneously. We present the case of a 9 years old girl. She presented numérous pigmented macules on the trunk, limbs and neck. The face, soles and palms were spared. She has been burnt on the dorsum of her foot with boild water 15 days before the eruption appears. There was no general sign nor pruritus. A cutaneous biopsy for histologic analysis showed elongated rete ridges with basal hyperpigmentation and some melanocytes. The dermis was unaffected. The Giemsa stain showed no accumulation or increased numbers of mast cells. So a cutaneous mastocytosis could be excluded. The patient did not receive any treatment. The lesions now present for one year are still present with a slight teandancy to regression. Treatment of this asymptomatic condition is unnecessary because spontaneous resolution of the lesions is to be expected within several months to a few years.

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