
ESPCR 2009 meeting: abstract deadline extended to June 10th

ESPCR 2009 meeting
ESPCR 2009 meeting

Dear colleagues, Dear friends,

Upon request from several members of our society, I am happy to inform you that the abstract deadline for the 15th Meeting of the ESPCR, to be held in Münster, Germany, September 20-23, 2009, will be extended to June 10th, 2009.

Until now we have received a very promising number of abstracts indicating that our ESPCR 2009 Meeting will become a stimulating and successful international meeting. By slightly extending the deadline, I hope that this will create more relaxation to all of us for preparation of an abstract. Please note that there
will be also an extra slot for “fresh from the bench abstracts”. These abstracts – although printed the ESPCR 2009 Meeting booklet – however, will be posters only, and they will not be printed in the October 2009 issue of PCMR.

I look forward for your special contribution to the ESPCR 2009 Meeting and to welcome in Münster, Germany, in September 2009!

Best wishes,
Markus Bohm, MD
-Organizer of the ESPCR 2009 Meeting-