
The colors of mice

A new book on “The colors of mice: a model genetic network” by M. Lynn Lamoreux, Véronique Delmas, Lionel Larue and Dorothy C. Bennett has been just published (Wiley, 2010). According to publisher’s page, this new book “… showcases a blend of new technologies and new insights in the field of pigmentary genetics of mice, with […]

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16th PASPCR Call For Abstracts (deadline June 1, 2010)

16th PASPCR Annual Meeting Pigmentation & Melanoma Conference  September 30-October 2, 2010 Vancouver, BC, Canada Contact: Dr. Youwen Zhou Website: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Please  visit our website  to submit an abstract by June 1, 2010! This congress is jointly held by the Pan American Society of Pigment Cell Research and the University of British […]

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