Yesterday, September 24, the 21st IPCC finished with the moving song “Black or White“, by Michael Jackson. This was a really nice end for this conference, that progressed with a great success in attendancy (>540 delegates registered) over the past week. The meeting was particularly successful thanks to the excellent scientific program that the Chair of the meeting, Prof. Alain Taïeb, and his team put together. The Organizers of the 21st IPCC must be praised for this memorable superb meeting, where the latest scientific achievements of our pigment cell community were discussed and most adequately mixed with the tasty products of the surrounding vineyards.

At the International Federation of Pigment Cell Societies we are already preparing our next meeting. Prof. Boon-Kee Goh (ASPCR) will be the Chair of the 22nd IPCC, that will be held in Singapore in September 2014. At the closing ceremony of IPCC-2011, Prof. Boon-Kee Goh presented the highlights of his country and the spectacular resources existing in Singapore. You are all invited to attend the next meeting of the International Federation of Pigment Cell Societies, IPCC-2014, in Singapore. News and information on the IPCC-2014 will be made available from its web site: http://www.ipcc2014.org