Albiniam Database, University of Minnesota

Mutations of the Ocular Albinism-1 gene

Associated with Ocular Albinism

Mutations of the OA1 gene associated with Ocular Albinism (OA1).

Deletions of the OA1 gene associated with Ocular Albinism (OA1).

Polymorphisms of the OA1 gene.

Go to this link for a map of mutations of the OA1 gene associated with Ocular Albinism (OA1).

The Albinism Database is part of the International Albinism Center at the University of Minnesota.

OA1 mutations associated with Ocular Albinism (OA1)

Nucleotide Change*
Effect on coding Sequence
R5C c.13C>T p.Arg5Cys EX1 Netherlands Bassi et al., 2001
G35D c.104G>A p.Gly35Asp EX1 Netherlands .0008 Schiaffino et al., 1995
Rosenberg and Schwartz, 1998
L39R c.116T>G p.Leu39Arg EX1 Danish Rosenberg and Schwartz, 1998
151del7 Deletion of 7 bp at 151 Frameshift EX1 France Bassi et al., 2001
165del29 Deletion of 29 bp at 165 Frameshift EX1 Germany Rudolph et al., 2001
175delT c.175DelT Frameshift EX1 Netherlands Bassi et al., 2001
180insC c.180insC Frameshift EX1 United States Bassi et al., 2001
190delC c.190delC Frameshift EX1 United States Iannaccone et al., 2007
215del17 Deletion of 17 bp at 215 Frameshift EX1 Australian .0002 Schiaffino et al., 1995
Schnur et al., 1998
D78N c.232G>A p.Asp78Asn EX1 Italy Bassi et al., 2001
D78V c.233A>T p.Asp78Val EX1 Danish Rosenberg and Schwartz, 1998
G84R c.250G>C p.Gly84Arg EX1 Schnur et al., 1998
IVS1-1G->C c.250-1G>C Splice mutation IVS1 Caucasian Schnur et al., 1998
G84D c.251G>A p.Gly84Asp EX2 Netherlands Schiaffino et al., 1995
310delG c.310delG Frameshift EX2 Southern France Faugere et al. (2001)
C116R c.346T>C p.Cys116Arg EX2 Schnur et al., 1998
C116G c.346T>G p.Cys346Gly EX2 United States Iannaccone et al., 2007
C116S c.347G>C p.Cys116Ser EX2 South Africa Bassi et al., 2001
G118E c.353G>A p.Gly118Glu EX2 Caucasian
Schnur et al., 1998
Bassi et al., 2001
360G/A c.360G>A No change Ala120
Splice mutation?
EX2 Danish Rosenberg and Schwartz, 1998
IVS2+5G->C c.360+5G>C Splice mutation IVS2 United Kingdom Schiaffino et al., 1995
Q124R c.371A>G p.Gln124Arg EX3 United States Bassi et al., 2001
W133R c.397T>A p.Trp133Arg EX3 Danish .0006 Rosenberg and Schwartz, 1998
W133R c.397T>C p.Trp133Arg EX3 Caucasian .0003 Schnur et al., 1998
402delG c.402DelG Frameshift EX3 Schnur et al., 1998
A138V c.413C>T p.Ala138Val EX3 African American Schnur et al., 1998
445ins7 c.445Ins7bp Frameshift EX3 United States Schiaffino et al., 1995
S152N c.455G>A p.Ser152Asn
Splice mutation
EX3 .0004 Schnur et al., 1998
IVS3+1G->C c.455+1G>C Splice mutation IVS3 Belgium Bassi et al., 2001
A173D c.518G>A p.Ala173Asp EX4 United Kingdom Schiaffino et al., 1995
677delG c.677DelG Frameshift EX6 Netherlands Bassi et al., 2001
G229V c.686G>T p.Gly229Val EX6 Germany Bassi et al., 2001
T232K c.695C>A p.Thr232Lys EX6 .0005 Schnur et al., 1998
E233K c.703G>A p.Glu233Lys EX6 Danish Rosenberg and Schwartz, 1998
E235K c.703G>C p.Glu235Lys EX6 Schnur et al., 1998
I244V c.730A>G p.Ile244Val EX6 United States Bassi et al., 2001
R245X c.733C>T p.Arg245Ter EX6 Australian
United Kingdom
Schnur et al., 1998
Bassi et al., 2001
I261N c.782T >A p.Ile261Asn EX7 Germany Bassi et al., 2001
E271G c.812A>G p.Glu271Gly EX7 Netherlands Bassi et al., 2001
T290del c.868 and 870Del3bp p.DelThr290 EX7 United Kingdom Schiaffino et al., 1995
W292G c.874T>G p.Trp292Gly EX7 United Kingdom Schiaffino et al., 1995
W292C c.876G>T p.Trp292Cys EX7 United States Bassi et al., 2001
W292X c.G876>A p.Trp292Ter EX7 Germany Bassi et al., 2001
IVS7+1G->A c.885+1G>A Splice mutation IVS7 South Africa Bassi et al., 2001
932insCG c.932InsCG Frameshift EX8 Netherlands .0001 Bassi et al., 1995
Schiaffino et al., 1995

*Nucleotide 1 begins at the first nucleotide of codon 1

OA1 gene deletions associated with Ocular Albinism (OA1)

Nucleotide Change*
Deletion of exon 1 - 1 Caucasian Schnur et al., 1998
Deletion of exon 1 / Insertion of TCATGT 5000 bp deletion with insertion of TCATGT 1 Caucasian Schnur et al., 1998
Deletion of exon 1 4800 bp deletion 1 Canada Bassi et al., 2001
Deletion of exons 1-8 - 1-8 United States Burns et al., 1998
Deletion of exons 1-9 700 kb deletion 1-9 ? Tijmes et al., 1998
Deletion of Exons 1-9 and
Other contiguous genes
- 1-9+ Schaefer et al., 1993
Schnur et al., 1998
Bassi et al., 1999
Deletion of exon 2 - 2 Danish
.0007 Rosenberg and Schwartz, 1998
Schnur et al., 1998
Deletion of exon 2 218 bp deletion 2 Canada Bassi et al., 1995
Deletion of exon 2 900 bp deletion 2 United States Bassi et al., 1995
Deletion of exon 2 1000 bp deletion 2 Canada Bassi et al., 1995
Deletion of exon 2 3100 bp deletion 2 Netherlands Bassi et al., 1995
Deletion of exons 2-8 - 2-8 Caucasian Schiaffino et al., 1995
Lam et al., 1997
Schnur et al., 1998
Bassi et al., 2001
Deletion of exon 3 1172 bp deletion 3 United States Bassi et al., 2001
Deletion of exon 4 - 4 United States Schnur et al., 1994
Schnur et al., 1998
Deletion of exon 4-5 - 4-5 United Kingdom Bassi et al., 2001
Deletion of exons 4-8 10 kb deletion 4 - 8 Germany Bassi et al., 1995
Schiaffino et al., 1995
Deletion of exon 6 6 Southern France Faugere et al. (2001)
Deletion of exons 7-8 7-8 Southern France Faugere et al. (2001)

Polymorphisms of the OA1 gene

Nucleotide Change*
Effect on coding Sequence
1409C/T C or T at 1409 None 3' UTR Rosenberg and Schwartz, 1998
OA1-CA CA-STRP Polymorphic IVS1 Schiaffino et al., 1995
360+13C/G C or G at 360+13 None IVS2 Rosenberg and Schwartz, 1998
Schnur et al., 1998


Bassi, M. T., Bergen, A. A. B., Bitoun, P., Charles, S. J., Clementi, M., Gosselin, R., Hurst, J., Lewis, R. A., Lorenz, B., Meitinger, T., Messiaen, L., Ramesar, R. S., Ballabio, A., Schiaffino, M.V. Diverse prevalence of large deletions within the OA1 gene in ocular albinism type 1 patients from Europe and North America. Human Genetics 108:51-53, 2001. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Bassi, M. T., Ramesar, R. S., Caciotti, B., Winship. I. M., De Grandi, A., Riboni, M., Townes, P. L., Beighton, P., Ballabio, A., Borsani, G. X-linked late-onset sensorineural deafness caused by a deletion involving OA1 and a novel gene containing WD-40 repeats. American Journal of Human Genetics 64:1604-1616, 1999. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Bassi, M. T., Schiaffino, M. V., Renieri, A., De Nigris, F., Galli, L. Bruttini, M., Gebbia, M., Bergen, A. A. B., Lewis, R. A. Ballabio, A. Cloning of the gene for ocular albinism type I from the distal short arm of he X chromosome. Nature Genetics 10:13-19, 1995. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Burns, W. N., Schiaffino, M. V., Lewis, R.A. Repeated transmission of X-linked ocular albinism type 1 by a carrier oocyte donor. Fertility and Sterility 70:1169-1172, 1998. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Faugere, V., Tuffery, S., Claustres, M. IURC, Montpellier, France, 2001. [Unpublished mutations]

Iannaccone A, Gallaher KT, Buchholz J, Jennings BJ, Neitz M, Sidjanin DJ. Identification of two novel mutations in families with X-linked ocular albinism. Mol Vis. 13:1856-61, 2007.

Lam, B. L., Figert, J. H., Shutt, B. C., Singleton, E. M., Merin, L. M., Brown, H. H., Sheffield, V. C., Stone, E. M. Clinical and molecular characterization of a family affected with X-linked ocular albinism (OA1). Ophthalmic Genetics 18:175-184, 1997. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Roma C, Ferrante P, Guardiola O, Ballabio A, Zollo M. New mutations identified in the ocular albinism type 1 gene. Gene. 402:20-7, 2007. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Rosenberg, T., Schwartz, M. X-linked ocular albinism: prevalence and mutations - a national study. European Journal of Human Genetics 6:570-577, 1998. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Rudolph, G., Meindl, A., Bechmann, M., Schworm, H. D., Achatz, H., Boergen, K. P., Kampik, A., Berninger, T., Meitinger, T. X-linked ocular albinism (Nettleship-Falls): a novel 29-bp deletion in exon 1. Carrier detection by ophthalmic examination and DNA analysis. Graefes Archives in Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 239:167-72, 2001. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Schaefer, L., Ferrero, G. B., Grillo, A., Bassi, M. T., Roth, E. J., Wapenaar, M. C., van Omen, G. J. B. A high resolution deletion map of human chromosome Xp22. Nature Genetics 4:272-279, 1993.[Link to article (PubMed)]

Schiaffino, M. V., Bassi, M. T., Balli, L., Renieri, A., Bruttini, M., De Nigris, F., Bergen, A. A. B., Charles, S. J., Yates, J. R. W., Meindl, A., Lewis, R. A., King, R. A., Ballabio, A. Analysis of the OA1 gene reveals mutations in only one-third of patients with X-linked ocular albinism. Human Molecular Genetics 4: 2319-2325, 1995. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Schnur, R. E., Wick, P. A., Bailey, C., Rebbeck, T., Weleber, R. G., Wagstaff, J., Grix, A. W., Pagon, R. A., Hockey, A., Edwards, M.J. Phenotypic variability in X-linked ocular albinism: relationship to linkage genotypes. American Journal of Human Genetics 55:484-96, 1994. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Schnur, R. E., Gao, M., Wick, P. A., Keller, M., Benke, P. J., Edwards, M. J., Grix, A. W., Hockey, A., Jung, J. H., Kidd, K. K., Kistenmacher, M., Levin, A. V., Lewis, R. A., Musarella, M. A., Nowakowski, R. W., Orlow, S. J., Pagon, R. S., Pillers, D-A. M., Punnett, H. H., Quinn, G. E., Tezcan, K., Wagstaff, J., Weleber, R. G. OA1 mutations and deletions in X-linked ocular albinism. American Journal of Human Genetics 62:800-809, 1998. [Link to article (PubMed)]

Tijmes, N. T., Bergen, A. A. B., De Jong, P. T. V. M. Paucity of signs in X linked ocular albinism with a 700 kb deletion spanning the OA1 gene. British Journal of Ophthalmology 82:457-458, 1998. [Link to article (PubMed)]

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Last changed September 08, 2009.