Color Genes WEB site


3 Pictures of Mice illustrating the phenotype of different alleles of the Tyrp1 locus


Tyrp1 mutant allele (brown)


Tyrp1b/Tyrp1b mouse mutant



Genetic background:

nonagouti (aa)


Picture: Friedrich Beermann



BAC rescue of Tyrp1 mutation


Tyrp1+ rescued BAC transgenic mouse (left) and  Tyrp1b/Tyrp1b mouse mutant brown (right)


Genetic background:

nonagouti (aa)


Transgenic mouse described in:

Murisier et al.(2006) Dev. Biol.298:644-55


Picture: Friedrich Beermann


Black (aa), Brown (bb) and Slaty (dct) mouse mutants


Nonagouti (black, left), brown ( center above), Slaty (right)

a/a (left) Tyrp1b/Tyrp1b (center)

Dctslt/Dctslt (right)


Genetic background:



Picture: Lynn Lamoreux


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This WEB page is maintained by Lluis Montoliu (CNB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain)

Last modified on February 26, 2021

International Federation of Pigment Cell Societies (2021)